Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl Menu Round-Up

So all these recipes don't get lost in one post, I put each Super Bowl menu item in it's own post. Here's a run down of what I made for the big game! Just click the name to see the post with recipe and notes.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving all of your recipes and photos...great job! I had the buffalo chicken dip on Friday at a neighbors house and it was better than the one I make. I asked her what she does different and she said she uses canned chicken. It was mixed really well together. Thought I would share that since it is easy to have that on hand and quick.

    Also, I never use covers to my frying pans...I always use aluminum foil. Dont have to clean it and then can just toss it! ;)

    I am going to have to try several of these recipes...yum!
