Sunday, August 7, 2011

Melted Crayon Canvas (not cooking related)

Excuse my stray from recipes to bring my art inspired from Pinterest. I'm one of those people who has a creative artsy person buried deep inside that hasn't been able to get out yet. In other words, my creative attempts usually stink but I enjoy attempting them.

I saw this and thought it might be a canvas painting even I could succeed it. But I didn't want to invest too much in it, just in case.

I bought a large canvas at Hobby Lobby with my 40% off coupon. It was regularly $14.99 so I paid about about $9 for it.

Then I went to Target, where crayons are on sale for back to school, and paid 40 cents a box. I bought 6, just in case (I used 4.5 boxes, after removing brown, gray, white, and black).

I couldn't find hot glue or super glue in my house but I did find wood glue in the garage. Figured what the heck! That worked great.

The ones I saw on Pinterest didn't have the colors all jumbled up but I like my colors jumbled.

It's about 105 here so I thought I'd sit it outside and by the time I got home from church, it'd be done. Wrong!

I kept moving it into the sun and nothing was happening.

When Jason decided it was time to mow the lawn, I threw in the towel (it had been outside for 10 hours by now...) and used a blowdryer. Perfecto! Course the wax was pretty hot already but it melted almost immediately with the blowdryer.

This was so much fun that I may have to buy more canvases just so I can melt more crayons...

It will soon be hung in our all-canvas wall gallery, alongside paintings done by real artists, because I loooooove it.


  1. this looks awesome!! i might have to steal this idea....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. this is really interesting i think now i will get some ideas from here thanks. Please check out the link as well.

  4. I saw this idea using removable tape ( like the blue painters kind) and am going to do it for my kids. I think it looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for putting what you used to glue them on and how many you used that is where I got stuck!

  5. hey! yours looks awesome...i did mine in a similar fashion, however the next day there were alot of cracks between the wax. did anyone else experience this/any advice? thanks and happy holidays!!
